A blog? Why a blog?
I am looking forward to using this blog to talk with you about current happenings in the Spring Lake Park Schools, sharing with you a glimpse into the things that I have the unique opportunity to see taking place across the district. It will also be fun to share some of the ideas that I, or my colleagues across the district, may have for our future, as well as share interesting things we may be learning about education in general.
The Spring Lake Park School District is an outstanding learning community, one that I truly believe has an outstanding staff that is collectively aligned around improving student learning. It is fun to work with a group of staff that recognizes the successes of our past, and is excited about building on this by creatively planning to position our school district for the future so that each of our schools, and thus our students, can thrive.
Again, through this blog I’ll get to informally be able to provide you with updates of some of the things we are doing.
I’ll have another entry soon, so please check back. In the meantime, take a look at Continually Striving to be a World-Class Community of Choice, my recent column, to hear about some of our great alumni, current students, and what we’re looking forward to in the future.
You may also want to check out Assessing Student Learning and Reporting Progress for a video featuring our high school principal and a teacher at Spring Lake Park High School talking about some of the assessment practices taking place at their school.
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