Friday, March 19, 2010

Making a Difference for Kids

I recently read the following comment by Mike Murphy, a principal in Maine for thirty years, “I became a principal because I felt that I could help underserved kids better in that role.”

I thought about that comment on this Friday evening as I wondered why my energy was a little low. Yes, it was a long week with a lot of meetings. I have a lot of weeks like that though. Then, it hit me. I hadn’t been in a classroom since I dropped by Park Terrace Tuesday morning.

The work of the week was extremely important to current happenings in the district, as well as the future of the district. I met with administrators, teacher leaders, parents, legislators, board members, business leaders, and community members on a variety of topics. We met to conduct budget planning for the future and identify efficiencies, to discuss strategic directions of the district, to learn more about emerging technologies and its influence on our students and staff, to explore business partnerships, to review student assessment data (good news – improving data), to provide information regarding the possible implications of pending legislation, to review student discipline issues, to study enrollment and demographic projections, to review progress on various projects in the district…

The work was interesting and important. Yet, the reason I do this job isn’t any one of these things alone. The reason I do this work is kids, and knowing the work I do makes a difference for thousands of kids each day, even if I’m not working directly with them. That's why the highlight of my week was Tuesday morning when I spent time in classrooms at Park Terrace.

Sometimes people assume that a school administrator moved out of the classroom because he or she didn’t want to teach. I loved teaching, and still view myself a teacher. I moved into administration because I want to make a difference for young people. I am proud to say that the administrators I work with hold this same view.

So, in our work with teachers and staff in the district, with parents and community members, it’s all about aligning our collective efforts around making a difference for our almost 5,000 students. It’s about providing the support to our teachers and staff to ensure that each of our students feels valued and successful.

There, just writing about working with our students gave me some energy back. Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

21st Century Learners and Teachers

Here is a cool video developed by a group of teachers. While these teachers are not from Spring Lake Park, this type of 21st Century teaching and learning, and day to day commitment by teachers, is taking place in classrooms throughout the district. Please take a moment to check it out.

Friday, March 12, 2010

This is the kind of school you want...

You know it almost the moment you walk through the door. It's obvious in the way adults and students interact, in the quality of teaching throughout the building, in the seamless flow of leadership from administration to parents to staff to community members. An energy and excitement is present in the hard work, long hours, and challenging conversations. This is the kind of place where they do more than just walk the talk; they breathe it. This is the kind of school you want your own child to attend.

The entry above comes from an Association of Supervision and Curriculum and Develoment e-publication, The Whole Child, published on March 11, 2010.

It is also a passage used by a faculty member from the University of St. Thomas to describe her experience, and that of 12 aspiring teachers, who spent a day working with teachers and staff at Northpoint Elementary School earlier this week. She went on to write that the, "child-centered focus building wide is so genuine. It was a special opportunity for our candidates."

This experience isn't unique to Northpoint Elementary School, the child-centered focus she writes about is evident throughout the district, and it makes me so proud of my colleagues throughout the district each time I walk through our schools and as I listen to them describe their work.

Earlier this week I read to a class at Woodcrest Elementary School, and then spent some time dropping in classrooms and talking with students and staff. I watched students engaged in personalized instruction, critical thinking, and substantive conversation. I listened to a diverse group of seven and eight year olds engaged in conversation about a book they had read with no teacher direction needed - for six minutes. One student, who I thought was not fully engaged, said to the group after five minutes, "You guys made me think about what I thought. I think I changed my mind now because..."

That type of higher level thinking is something that will not, cannot, be measured on the MCA-IIs this spring. The state tests are important, but they are only one test on one day. The type of thinking and communication skills, the creativity and critical thinking, that our teachers are developing among students is essential as they grow up and move into a future that really cannot be predicted.

That doesn't happen in a lot of places. It is happening in classrooms throughout our district. It is happening because we have principals, teachers, and staff who are learners, staff who learn together to ensure that students learn. It isn't easy work. They each have a million tasks.

Yet, this morning, a day when our students are not at school but staff is, each and every one of our principals and teachers are learning together.What are they doing? They are planning for continued improvement of assessment and reporting of student progress; integrating technology in instruction to more deeply engage students; reviewing assessment results and making plans to reach school, classroom, and individual student learning goals; authentic instruction and substantive conversation; watching videos of one another teach and providing feedback; and they are taking advantage of some much needed time to complete grades and get ready for next trimester.

An energy and excitement is present in the hard work, long hours, and challenging conversations. This is the kind of place where they do more than just walk the talk; they breathe it.

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Making a difference in the lives of students each day

It’s Sunday morning and I’m spending some time looking at the week ahead, as well as reflecting on the past week. Like many businesses and families, we are facing some challenging times and tough decisions as we plan for our future. Some of that work is not a lot of fun or real energizing. So, what is it that really gets me jazzed to get up in the morning and head to school? It is the realization that our work makes a difference in the lives of our students today and for their future.

Each day as I talk with people and walk throughout the district I get to see evidence of our staff making a difference for our kids. I get to see excellence and innovation. I see a world-class learning community of the twenty-first century. I want to share a few examples of how we are moving towards being a world-class learning community this morning.

In 2010 emerging technologies are influencing the daily lives of our students more than ever. We’re discovering ways each day to meaningfully utilize these technologies to engage students, personalize their learning, and connect them with the world. A number of our middle school teachers plan to implement the use of handheld technologies in their classrooms yet this spring. This wouldn’t be possible without the support of our community as they are purchasing these technologies through the support of a Panther Foundation grant.

The expanded use of technologies goes beyond this one example at the middle school. Jerelyne Nemanich, coordinator of assessment and instructional technology, is working with teachers throughout the district to implement twenty-first century skills and a wide variety of web 2.0 technologies to personalize learning and engage students. In fact, Spring Lake Park is one of only five districts in the entire state to be part of the Powerful Learning Practices cohort, a national initiative to immerse teachers in learning and implementing the technologies of the twenty-first century in their classroom (learn more here - It is exciting to see teachers continuously identifying innovative ways to engage students in their learning and bring the world into the classroom.

When visiting with some high school staff one of the counselors shared with me that over 80% of our seniors have completed an application for college. 80%!! That is a significant increase over what we’ve seen in the past, and progress towards a vision of all students being college and career ready upon graduation. That wouldn’t be happening without the efforts of staff in our counseling office, and of teachers and staff throughout our high school, who are continuously talking with students about their future.

The Learning Alternatives Community School staff invited Denise Waalen, director of educational services, and I to visit with them last Thursday. They wanted to share some planning they had done over the course of the year around how they see their future – their new vision. It was amazing! The enthusiasm from each and every staff member in the room was contagious. Their vision is not just words on paper, it is something they are truly committed to making a reality - they are planning project-based learning, online learning, opening “Café LA” to provide kids with real-life work experiences... I could go on and on with what they are planning. What was most impressive though was their commitment to kids. It will be exciting to see their vision become a reality.

We also had a chance to visit with the Woodcrest Elementary School staff. At one point in our meeting we asked them to share some of their successes. They excitedly shared numerous accomplishments. Is that unique? Not necessarily. What was unique was that every one of their successes was about students and progress made towards our vision. Woodcrest is an example of how our vision isn’t a pipe dream, and can become a reality. Last spring they did not have one, not one, first grader who was identified as an at-risk reader at the end of first grade. That is an outstanding accomplishment! Across our elementary schools we have seen a decrease by more than 50% of students who are at-risk from just two years ago!

Another exciting initiative in our district is the implementation this year of our Spanish Immersion Program for kindergarten students. Next year the program will expand through first grade. We are excited about the prospects of this program and its future. Video: Spanish Immersion in Spring Lake Park Schools

I’ve gone on much longer than I’d planned this morning, but there are a lot of things happening, exciting prospects emerging, and a bright future for our students that are fun to share. These things are happening because we have a staff that strives to be the world-class learning community of choice for our families.

Yet, as I started out with in this blog entry, there are numerous challenge we are facing now and in the future. We can’t ignore these. As we address these challenges we must identify creative, innovative means to effectively and efficiently align our resources around improving student learning. Yes, that's our challenge as a learning community - staff, parents, and community – to truly align our efforts around collectively personalizing and improving the learning of each of our students.

As I shared above, there are so many examples of how our teachers and staff do this on a daily basis. It is exciting to have the opportunity to be a part of this, and look forward to sharing progress with you in the future. By the way, there is no way to share all the good news in one blog entry, so please visit the home page of our website and check out “Latest District News” to learn more.

One last thing - I'm always curious about what people think about the work of our district, how we might improve the work within our district, and how I/we can get smarter about our work. Please contact me - I'd love to hear from you.